CashFlow 101!

Ladies and Gentlemen!
Our upcoming event is coming soon. This upcoming event is all about CashFlow 101, it is a workshop.
If you never heard of it before, please continue to read the post;
If you know what is cashflow and you're interested, COME AND JOIN US! *Just skip to the bottom and check for the details.
Our slots are limited, first come first serve!

Ever think before how to become rich people? Ever wonder before why the rich one get richer and the poor one get poorer? One of the most important reason is, the rich people have the financial and investing knowledge that poor people lacks of.

Cashflow 101 is a board game designed by Robert Kiyosaki, which aims to teach the players concepts of investing and making money. Although it is just a board game, it will definitely let you learn more about how investing and finance works. Come and you'll definitely not regret it.

This event aims to teach people how to manage our finance, learn how to earn and save money for better purposes. We believe that, the expenses of daily life are very high right now, especially for all the students. Robert T. Kiyosaki once said that,"Students nowadays cannot get to be rich, because they are in a lot of debts before they got their first income."

He also say that,"how you play the game is how you play in life.". You will get to know more about yourself and bear the responsibilities of each choice you make in the game. It is much better to learn from a board game than make costly mistakes in real life with real money. Right?

Further information:
Date: 5th- 7th November
Venue: F1A02
Time: 7.30 - 10.00pm
Tickets: RM7 (member)
There will be bundle price RM5 for a group of more than 3!

You can register with us at our booth located at SA circle or register online through the form:

For sure we will have a fun night! :)