Field Trip to Bursa Malaysia and Wongamania Financial Card Game Workshop

Dear fellow UNMC students,

We have two exciting events coming up which we believe will tremendously benefit you in your financial intelligence and knowledge. It is the field trip to Bursa Malaysia and the Wongamania Financial Card Game Workshop. Never heard of Bursa Malaysia and Wongamania? Do read on!!

What is Bursa Malaysia? Well, to put it simply, Bursa Malaysia is an exchange holding company which operates a fully integrated exchange service. Among the products offered include stocks, bonds, warrants, real estate investment trusts (REITs), derivatives and many others. By attending this event, you will be able to learn more about investments in a conducive and exciting environment while breakfast, lunch and transportation are all provided.

So what is WongaMania? Well, wonga is a British slang for money and hence Wongamania could stand for “Excited Money”. Excited yet? Well what is the objective of Wongamania then? Well, Wongamania is a fun to play, interactive table card game created as a financial education game that helps adults to understand more about economics and how various economics events will affect them and their investments. This programme is designed by Financial Youth Intelligence (Malaysia) and Capital Gains Group (Singapore).

This 30-60 min card game allows players to ride through the intricacies of an economic market cycle, trying to accumulate assets to retire and at the same time. You can choose to manipulate the economy and throw your enemies' plans into disarray, or work with other players to help each other achieve financial independence.  Learn how economic scenarios such as property bubble, debt crisis or a stock market crash can affect your wealth and understand how to protect your wealth in the face of uncertainty. This fast paced game requires planning and strategy in order to outwit and outthink your friends, in order to survive the trials and tribulations that the financial markets will throw at you. The game is designed in such a way, that participants without any financial background can play and enjoy the game.

So who is the brilliant genius who created Wongamania then? Xeo is a veteran in the Singapore wealth management industry with more than 10 years of experience. He manages a team of consultants in one the largest Financial Advisory Firm in Singapore and specializes in investment advisory and asset management.

Xeo is also an avid public speaker since 2005 and has conducted more than one hundred sessions of talks, workshops and seminars. He has been invited by various institutions such as National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore Management University, People’s Association, Universities’ alumni clubs, public libraries, investment conventions, community clubs, non-profit organizations and various private corporations. He has been appointed as one of the speakers in the Singapore’s national financial literacy program “Moneysense” and has been invited to do a series of financial talk show with Singapore’s Mediacorp Radio. Xeo is the founder of Capital Gains LLP, a financial game design and education company which has created popular financial games such as “Capital Gains” and “Rollin Gold” which are well-received around the region.

So are you excited to join our events yet?

You can register with us at our booth located at SA circle or register online through the form:

You will definitely enjoy yourselves and learn a lot on financial intelligence!!

Details for the date/time/price can be found in the included poster above :)