What is financial freedom? How can you plan to be financially free?

Financial Freedom?

Financial freedom is quite a famous term, but do we really know the real meaning of it? It is used widely by people intending different meanings. However, there is a recognized definition for it.

The Common Misinterpretation

 The common misinterpretation on financial freedom is having a lot of money. This can be disproved by examples of people who make abundance of money yet having huge financial constraint due to high consumption. On the other hand, there are also people who has an average income who consider themselves to be financially free. It is possible as this people might have fewer needs, thus, having less constraints financially.  

The Definition

The best way you can put it is financial freedom is the ability to spend our time as we desire, without financial constraints. You should think of financial freedom as what defines you. It’s what you want from life and it doesn’t necessary have to revolve around dollars and cents.

Why strive for Financial Freedom?

  • Enables you to pursue what makes you happy
  • Boosts your confidence 
  • Able to be the curator of your life
  • Helps to foster healthy relationships
  • Peace of mind

Robert Kiyosaki (A prominent figure who strongly advocates "Financial Freedom")

  • A Japanese American investor, businessman, self-help author, motivational speaker, financial literacy activist, financial commentator, and radio personality
  • Author of  Rich Dad Poor Dad series of motivational books
  • His book series ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ is an international bestseller
  • He talks a lot about the importance of financial freedom, which concept is even included in a game he invented called "Cashflow"

Passive Income

The simplest example of a financially free person would be someone who has a passive income which exceeds the total expenses. In this example, the person is now free to do whatever he/she loves to do since there is no more responsibility of working to cover the expenses. This is what we call freedom. To be specific, financial freedom.

Passive income:

Wikipedia : Passive income is an income received on a regular basis, with little effort    
                     required to maintain it. It is closely related to the concept of "unearned income".

Investopedia: Earnings an individual derives from a rental property, limited partnership or  
                         other enterprise in which he or she is not actively involved.

Examples of passive income:

·      -   Earnings from royalties

·    -     Rental income from Property

·    -     Interest earned (e.g. fixed deposit)

·   -      Revenue from Internet advertisement

·    -     Pension

·    -     Stocks

·   -      Bonds

Steps one can take to be closer to financial freedom

Step 1 : Visualise your goals and write them down

·         How old do I want to retire?

·         What kind of lifestyle do I want to live in the next 10-20 years?

·         What will make me truly satisfied and happy?

·         How much money will actually satisfy me? (topic of concern as ultimately money by itself will not bring you happiness)

Step 2 : Think about where you are currently at financially

·         How many streams of income?

·         Am I spending within my means?

Step 3 : Educate yourself

·         Books

·         Seminars

·         Workshops

·         Internships

·         Part-time jobs

Step 4 : Track your expenses

·         Writing them down

·         Phone apps

Step 5 : Plan your finances

·         Leaving aside a fixed amount every month for certain reasons

Step 6 : Accumulate assets

·         Property

·         Paper assets

·         Commodities

The Crossover Point

The crossover point is when your passive income/returns from investments is more than your expenses. By achieving this you have just bridged a huge milestone. For some, the journey will end here. For others, it would have just begun. This is when the fun begins! Learn to play the game and play it wise. Don’t forget what/who you are doing this for and your purpose along the way.


Credits to:
 Dhivyamaaran Anparasan @ A.D.Maaran
Nelson Liew
Fabian Au 
Jeanne Chong
Tan Shen Tze