Financial Legacy!


The topic that we are going to discuss about this week is on Legacy. Legacy is defined as the transmission or receive from and ancestor or predecessor.
Parents are undeniably the breadwinners in a family. However, should an unfortunate event happen, parents should prepare a contingency plan so that their children (if they are not of age) would not have any financial problems. A reduction in quality of living is inevitable but the degree of reduction should be modest in such a way that it still enables the child to fulfill their basic needs. Problems would still arise even if children are all grown. One of the most common disputes among siblings is the dispute of the distribution of assets.
Through a thorough research by BYIC’s research team, it has been estimated that the monthly cost of leaving a non-working spouse and a child studying in UNMC is RM6000. If one is only depending on the interest fixed deposit (which provides a 4% interest) to cover their living costs, the deposit would have to amount to RM1.8 million! Another low risk investment tool with a higher return rate would be the insurance plan.

Planning for the distribution of inheritance

Planning how ones inheritance would be distributed is crucial as not all children take care of their parents well and the law may distribute ones inheritance in such a way that the siblings might seize the assets.
(child A --> father --> child B)

Situation 1
Situation 2
Situation 3
Situation 4

One of the most common ways for us to plan out the distribution of assets is through will. Will is a legal document with details about the distribution of inheritance. The advantages of writing a will is that it is cheap with only a cost of under RM300 and the procedures to write one are easy and simple. However, writing a will means disclosing private information publicly in court. A will is usually written when there is a change in family members who are eligible for inheritance such as the coming of age of a child. Next, a significant change in the amount of assets own would also result in the change of will.

The other alternative for distributing assets would be preparing a living trust. Living trust is the legal arrangement for the trustee to manage the assets on behalf of the trustor. This way, private information will be kept secret and assets will be managed by professionals. However trustors would have to pay a higher legal fees.

credits to:

Kim Kim
Kim Pham
Lara Tan
Terence Then